About this Episode: ERP Stakeholder Development & Human Capital Management
In this episode, we discuss ERP stakeholder development and human capital management (HCM). ERP organizational change success requires managing, developing, and training stakeholders. Let’s explore how HCM can potentially support ERP stakeholder development and ERP success With Guest Brent Skinner of 3Sixty Insights.
A sound HCM program has the potential to improve competitive advantage. Additionally, organizations need to understand how to manage team diversity and to provide effective ERP stakeholder development. Each stakeholder group often consists of a large degree of diversity in terms of expectations, realities, and human capital requirements needed for an ERP organizational change endeavor. Let’s explore in this episode how HCM can contribute to improved decision-making, alignment, and teamwork in an effort to advocate for proper ERP stakeholder development.

Brent Skinner
HCM Subject Matter Expert | Co-Founder of 3Sixty Insights | Host of the #HRTechChat Video Podcast
More About Brent
Quoted years ago in The Wall Street Journal, Brent Skinner is co-founder of 3Sixty Insights, where he leads the HCM analyst practice and hosts the #HRTechChat video podcast. He has served as a partner and advisor to executives and others in sales, marketing, and customer success at Ceridian and Cornerstone OnDemand. Former principal analyst at Nucleus Research and former technology editor for HRO Today, Brent enjoys exploring the future of work.
Episode Highlights Timeline
ERP Stakeholder Development & Human Capital Management
10:06 What is HCM?
10:46 In general, what values does a good HCM program bring to large scale change and why?
12:04 I am curious on this evolution, tell me about your thoughts on the rise of the Chief People Officer.
16:33 This is a team decision-making question that can sometimes be a significant challenge for organizations. ERP software selection is a crucial role in ERP success. You state on your website that “The buying cycle for enterprise software and technology shouldn’t be a power struggle between departments. 3Sixty Insights is a research firm providing deep understanding of how to bridge the gap in perception and priorities between stakeholders. Through our research, we unearth strategic approaches for streamlining the decision-making process, successfully managing solutions, and maximizing value from business software and technology investments.” Can you share some of your strategy?
21:39 To follow up on the previous question, “As can be imagined, our discussion meandered smack-dab into 3Sixty Insights’ own core focus: understanding the evolving decision-making process in enterprise software. For one, it’s important for buying organizations to advocate for themselves. When it comes to their needs, “it’s a little bit risky to completely rely on the vendor from sales to implementation,” Brian said. “Ideally, you have some way of owning that as the client and seeing it through as the client.” (#HRTechChat Asks Enavrio: “Is Technology Vendor Selection Really Just about Technology Vendor Selection?” Posted on November 22, 2022, by Brent Skinner). Tell our listeners more about this idea…can you elaborate?
25:22 As an organization, especially in the context of ERP organizational change, the definition, and alignment of success play a crucial role within the organization and at an individual level. In a 3Sixty Insights post “The Changing Definition of Success” (Posted on September 26, 2022, by Jennifer Dole) it was shared that “We all have different ideas of what success looks like.” whether it be achieving goals, making a difference, being happy and fulfilled. “In the past, success was often defined by things like job title, salary, and level of education. While those things are still important to many people, they are no longer the only things that matter. Nowadays, more and more people are focused on making a difference and being happy and fulfilled.” What does this mean to organizational success and what can organizations do to tactically consider?
32:19 You mention on “#HRTechChat: Informing Artificial Intelligence”, (Posted on November 2, 2021, by Brent Skinner) that “For this episode of the #HRTechChat video podcast, AbilityMap CEO and Co-Founder Mike Erlin and Mike Bollinger, vice president of strategic initiatives at Cornerstone OnDemand, joined me to discuss a crucially important area of focus: at this still-early stage of its development, helping to ensure that we inform artificial intelligence with the best human-centric data possible. “After all, most of us would like to think that the behavior of AI, as it grows eventually to an exceptionally high level of sophistication and begins to take over higher-level decision-making, will continue to reflect what we hold dear as “humanness.” What do you think role AI will play on the future of work?
37:07 “Whole Brain HCM: Knocking Down Software Silos and Solving for Industries” (Posted on September 21, 2021, by Brent Skinner). “There’s a domain of the C-suite fixated on orderliness, efficiencies, productivity, and mathematical measurement, and there’s a domain galvanized by people, creativity, inspiration, and emotionality. The first is the C-suite’s left brain, and the other is its right brain. For organizational success, the economics of our day demand all these preoccupations……Just two years ago, Accenture decided to give this idea a name, whole brain leadership, and these companies perform better financially.” Tell us more about this idea in the context of HCM and positive organizational change.
44:40 In that same article, “Psychometric Models, AI, Talent Acquisition, Urgency, the Food Chain, and the Future of Work” (Posted on June 15, 2021, by Brent Skinner) “you discuss Psychometric Models. Please explain Psychometric models, how organizations benefit from, and how they have evolved.
45:56 In “Psychometric Models, AI, Talent Acquisition, Urgency, the Food Chain, and the Future of Work” (Posted on June 15, 2021, by Brent Skinner) you said “May I add that our relationship to automation is colored by our understanding that we are at the top of the food chain, and our understanding and belief that robots will always be beneath us? By robots, I mean artificial intelligence. We want the robots to do what we don’t want to do. We never consider the possibility that AI would eventually rather not do that stuff either. It doesn’t occur to us that the AI may one day wish to replace us at doing the jobs we like to do. And when and if they do, how would their doing it not be automation?”
48:11 Leave our listeners with your golden nugget of advice for a successful ERP organizational change effort.
More Episodes & Blog Posts Related to ERP Stakeholder Development:
Episode 58: Stakeholders in Change Management for Long-Term ERP Success with guest Jennifer Scheehle
Episode 47: Effective ERP Transformation with guest Ganapathy Iyer
Episode 44: An ERP Critical Success Factory: Organizational Learning with guest Dr. Clark Quinn
Episode 15: Effective organizational Change with guest Dr. Eric A. Canny
Episode 10: Leadership: Myths, Behaviors, and Practice with guest Dr. Gary A. DePaul
Episode 9: The Performance and Organizational Development with guest Dr. Timo Sandritter
Episode 4: Achieve Organizational Culture Change Success with guest Dr. Daniel Denison
Embracing ERP Emotions in Organizational Change: It’s Not All Just About Reason
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