ERP Implementation Consulting Services Designed Exclusively for Private Equity


We Understand Private Equity

We are the ERP implementation consultants that will ensure your success. We understand the entire investment cycle and the value of objective and timely due diligence, substantiable value creation, strategic insight, and how to mitigate common “pain points proactively”. Nestell & Associates approaches Private Equity support effectively and innovatively to provide the best quality service, minimize investment risk, and maximize return on investment.

Common ERP Paint Points that Our ERP Implementation Consultants Can Address Within Your Organization!

Pain Point: Struggle to Close Monthly Financials

Our ERP implementation consultants explain and educate the critical idea that “ERP transactions represent dollars” (Dr. Jack Nestell). ERP transactions represent organizational time, money, and effort. And ultimately, they represent and drive your GL, Balance Sheet, and P&L. There are significant demands (especially for PE M&A activity) for assembling the right people, processes, and systems in an effort to improve business operations, improve EBITDA, improve sales, improve profits, and/or increase market share. These are all critical to the health of any organization. ERP systems in a way act as an organization’s internal bank, financial advisor, accountant, and auditor: they manage and direct your money by providing a tool in which to manage and direct your business and operational transactions.  Accurate and timely visibility to your dollars is critical, and therefore, accurate and timely ERP transactions are also critical. We get it! Our ERP advisors are proven professionals.

Pain Point: Cost and Resource Constraints Required to Implement ERP Systems

Private Equity firms do not like to be over time and budget on any project, this can create significant investment concern. We are honest and realistic about our approach, time, and budget, even if it means losing a Statement of Work opportunity. We are not in it for the money but for the quality delivery. The money part of the business will then take care of itself. We do not pump our clients through a “sales assembly line”. We like to focus on the “top” line and the “bottom” line. We manage project budgets closely. This means we do the tactical project management work diligently. Contact us today to learn more! 

Pain Point: Untimely, Inaccurate, and Non-Transparent Business Information

One of the biggest challenges within Private Equity is the consolidation of financial data from multiple companies post M&A. Lack of visibility into operations and performance across the portfolio of companies and inaccurate or incomplete data leading to uninformed decision-making is common. Our team of ERP implementation consultants understand that to improve organizational business intelligence, the organization needs to understand that ERP systems are dollar-tracking systems. That is, ERP transactions represent dollars. Accurate and timely visibility of your dollars is critical, and therefore, accurate and timely ERP transactions are also critical. We understand! 

Pain Point: Inadequate Testing and Validation of ERP Systems

Our tactical project plans are focused on multiple iterations of testing and conference room pilots. Based on years of experience and research, your ERP testing and validation is in good hands with Nestell & Associates. We are thee ERP implementation consultants. 

Pain Point: Inadequate ERP Training

Our team of expert ERP implementation consultants get it! The value of Learning and Development (L&D) plays a significant role in the context of ERP organizational change. There is a plethora of literature that emphasizes the value of effective learning not only in ERP organizational change but organizational change in general. But while learning and development have a significant place in ERP organizational change, not all corporate learning and training programs are created equal. Unlike any other technology firm, we are degreed experts and experienced practitioners in effective L&D. Our experienced ERP implementation consultants will guide your organization to success! 

Pain Point: Deficient ERP Implementation Project Plans

ERP implementation methodologies are not created equal. An intentional and disciplined approach to understanding effective ERP methodology can improve the success of your implementation. From concept to tactics, Nestell & Associates’ ERP implementation methodology is proven. Our team of ERP implementation consultants can bring genuine value-add to your project. 

Pain Point: ERP Selection Expertise

Why should PE firms care about objective ERP selection? Because ERP transactions are dollars. ERP transactions represent organizational time, money, and effort. And ultimately, they represent and drive your GL, Balance Sheet, and P&L. When it comes to ERP solutions, there is one “best fit” for every organization. The organization owes it to itself to execute a formal and vendor-neutral selection process. Our ERP advisors are here to help ensure your success. 

Pain Point: ERP Failure Mitigation

“Success” needs to be objectively managed when it comes to ERP organizational change. Success is a process and not simply a final destination that occurs when you “hit the switch”. Organizations need to be deliberate, formal, and detail-oriented in how they define and communicate success. Contact us today to learn more about the Nestell & Associates way! Our experienced ERP implementation consultants will help ensure your success. 

Pain Point: Mitigation of ERP Risk

Nestell & Associates focuses on preventing failure and properly mitigating risk. If large-scale ERP organizational change were easy and risk-free there would not be ample resources trying to address the challenge. Nestell & Associates is a leader in research! We offer insight, innovation, and creativity for the improvement and advancement of the ERP organizational change field and successful organizational assimilation. Anyone that has spent any time in the field of ERP organizational change knows that there exist many, often invisible, organizational, knowledge, and motivational influences. Nestell & Associates’ ERP implementation consultants know what to look for to proactively mitigate risk for your organization!

Pain Point: Stakeholder Alignment and Relationship Management

Closely managing stakeholder alignment and relationships is a critical for ERP organizational change success. “ERP implementations challenge vested interests and lead to opposing views from various players. Implementation includes multi-level activities, which are not the exclusive area of a single project manager. Outcomes of decisions are not always products of rational considerations but shaped by the interests and commitments of individuals and groups, forces, and momentum.” Boonstra (2006). Our team of ERP implementation consultants get it! We manage stakeholder diversities with tactical action founded in principle in order to minimize stakeholder group diversities and to improve and promote stakeholder group relationships and alignment. Contact us today to see how our team of proven ERP implementation consultants can guide your success. 

Pain Point: ERP Organizational Change Leadership

Plain and simple, organizational leadership is the key to ERP success. From our leadership analysis and surveys to the tactical activity incorporated into all of our project plans, leadership is always top of mind!  Contact us today to learn more about our ERP expertise. 

Pain Point: Lack of Effective ERP Organizational Change Communication

Nestell & Associates’ ERP experts understand that an ERP organizational change communications strategy needs to effectively and specifically address stakeholders’ concerns, interactions, and ultimately outcomes for change. Effective communication is a tactical component of our ERP organizational change methodology! 

Pain Point: Unhealthy Organizational Culture Required of ERP Organizational Change Success

For Nestell & Associates, “organizational culture” is not just a buzz word. The impact of organizational culture on ERP is significant. That is why all of our ERP organizational change projects incorporate an organizational culture assessment and readiness activity. Our ERP consultants can help support your team’s success! 

Pain Point: Yes-Man

Nestell & Associates doesn’t tell organizations what they want to hear, we tell them what they need to hear based on unbiased, objective, vendor neutral, and contextual experience and research. Our team of experienced and proven ERP implementation consultants support organizations in setting honest and realistic expectations. We don’t over-promise and tell organizational stakeholders (at any level) only what they want to hear. That said, we help organizational leaders set honest and realistic expectations going into any ERP project. We are not “Yes men”. We do not tell CxOs what they want to hear. We tell them what they need to hear.  We are professional, politically correct, and proper, but we never tell CxOs what they want to hear, that would be a disservice. Contact us today to learn more about our ERP implementation services.

Pain Point: ERP Risk and Conflict Management

Tolerance for risk and conflict within an ERP organizational change success is categorically related to the tolerance for risk and conflict characteristics of the organizational culture. Some level of risk and conflict is inherent in ERP organization change. An organizational culture with a tolerance for risk and conflict is more conducive to success as long as properly recognized and managed. Nestell & Associates’ ERP implementation consultants know how to manage risk and conflict! 

Private Equity Exclusive

What We Do

Proven success in ERP implementation consulting, deployment, and optimization. We specialize in serving private equity firms and understand their unique challenges and opportunities. Our ERP consulting services are designed to go beyond technology and address the people, process, and cultural aspects of ERP assimilation. We take a holistic approach that focuses on organizational change leadership, management, and ERP project planning to ensure the success of your ERP implementation.


How We Do It

 At Nestell & Associates, we work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and develop customized solutions that align specifically with their business goals. Our experienced ERP consultants use industry-standard best practices to deliver effective solutions that ensure successful ERP implementation and management. We focus on organizational change and culture to achieve success, and our vendor-neutral approach ensures that our clients receive the best ERP solutions for their unique needs. At Nestell & Associates, our ERP consultants understand the unique challenges that private equity firms face when it comes to implementing, optimizing, and managing ERP systems. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of ERP implementation consulting services that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. 


Problems We Solve

We help our clients solve pain points in private equity including the inability to consolidate financial data from multiple companies post-M&A, struggling to close monthly financials, cost and resource constraints to implement ERP systems, inadequate testing and validation of ERP systems, and ERP implementation and selection challenges. Our comprehensive ERP consulting services provide clients with the expertise and support they need to overcome these challenges and succeed in their ERP projects. ERP success requires that an organization be aware of the influences that can lead to success or failure. Success is in the details! We de-risk ERP implementations and maximize business value by navigating organizations through these ERP organizational change influences that can lead to success. Or failure!

ERP Services

ERP Services that Work for You

ERP Due Diligence Assessments

As a private equity firm or portfolio company looking to undergo a merger or acquisition, it is important to understand the potential risks and issues related to your current ERP and business systems. This is where Nestell & Associates’ ERP experts can assist you with our ERP due diligence assessments.

Our assessments provide a thorough analysis of your ERP system, evaluating its current state and identifying any areas for improvement. By conducting this analysis pre- or post-acquisition, we can help you mitigate risks and improve operationally.

Our assessments are comprehensive and cover all aspects of your ERP system, including data management, security protocols, software compatibility, and user adoption. We take a data-driven approach to our analysis, utilizing advanced analytics tools to provide actionable insights and recommendations.

At Nestell & Associates, our ERP advisors understand the importance of business systems and their impact on your business. Our ERP due diligence assessments are designed to help you make informed decisions and optimize your ERP system to achieve maximum efficiency and ROI. Our objective is to provide our clients with the most accurate assessment informed by objective and vendor neutral observation and data analysis evidence. Additionally, the objective is to ensure proper support of the potential investment objectives.

ERP Organizational Change Leadership, Management and Project Planning

Implementing an ERP system can be a complex and challenging process requiring significant organizational change management to ensure its success. At Nestell & Associates, we specialize in providing expert ERP implementation consulting, organizational change leadership, management, and project planning services to help our clients navigate this process effectively.

Our team of seasoned ERP implementation consultants works closely with our clients to create customized project plans that are tailored to their specific needs and goals. We take a holistic approach to ERP implementation, considering all aspects of the organization that will be affected by the change, including people, processes, and technology.

We understand that effective project planning and management are critical to the success of an ERP implementation. That’s why our team provides ongoing support throughout the entire process, ensuring that the project stays on track and that any issues that arise are addressed promptly.

Our approach to organizational change management is focused on communication and collaboration, working closely with stakeholders at every level of the organization to ensure that everyone is engaged and aligned with the project goals. We also provide training and support to help employees adapt to the new system and processes.

At Nestell & Associates, each and every one of our ERP implementation consultants are passionate and committed to helping our clients achieve success with their ERP implementations. Our ERP organizational change leadership, management, and project planning services are designed to ensure that the process is smooth, efficient, and ultimately delivers the desired ROI.

Organizational Readiness and Culture Assessment

Organizational readiness and culture assessment is a critical first step in any ERP implementation project. At Nestell & Associates, our ERP experts specialize in helping organizations assess their readiness for change and identify any cultural or organizational barriers that may impact the success of their ERP projects.

Our team of experienced ERP implementation consultants utilizes a variety of tools and methodologies to evaluate the organization’s current state, including interviews with key stakeholders, surveys, and data analysis. Based on this assessment, we provide tailored solutions to help clients overcome any challenges and ensure a successful implementation.

We understand that every organization is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to organizational readiness and culture assessment. That’s why our ERP experts work closely with our clients to develop customized solutions that are tailored to their specific needs and goals.

Our approach to organizational readiness and culture assessment is focused on creating a collaborative and inclusive environment, where all stakeholders are engaged in the process. We work to identify any potential barriers to change and develop strategies to mitigate them, including training and communication plans, change management frameworks, and cultural transformation initiatives.

At Nestell & Associates, we are committed to helping our clients achieve success with their ERP implementations. Our organizational readiness and culture assessment services provide a solid foundation for a successful implementation by ensuring that the organization is ready for change and that any potential barriers are addressed before they impact the project. Our team of ERP experts are here for you! 

Business Operations & Process Analysis

At Nestell & Associates, we provide our clients with operations analysis service that helps them gain a detailed understanding of their business processes, goals, and current challenges. This analysis is a critical first step in successfully implementing ERP and other business systems.

Our experienced ERP implementation consultants work closely with our clients to identify their unique needs and objectives, evaluating business processes to determine areas that require improvement. By conducting this thorough analysis, we are able to provide our clients with actionable insights and recommendations to optimize their business operations and ERP utilization and to improve and enhance efficiency and productivity.

At Nestell & Associates, we understand that every organization has its unique challenges, and that’s why our business operations analysis is tailored to meet our clients’ specific needs. Our goal is to provide our clients with the information and guidance they need to make informed decisions and ensure a successful implementation of ERP and other business systems.

Our approach is data-driven and collaborative, working closely with stakeholders at all levels of the organization to ensure that everyone is engaged and aligned with the project goals. We also provide ongoing support and training to ensure that the system is fully integrated and adopted by the organization.

In summary, our business operations analysis is a crucial service that provides our clients with the insights they need to optimize business processes, enabling them to successfully implement ERP and other business systems.

ERP Software Selection and Agreement Negotiation

Selecting the right ERP application is a critical decision that can have a significant impact on an organization’s success. At Nestell & Associates, we provide our clients with an ERP software selection and agreement negotiation service to help them make informed decisions and negotiate favorable agreements that align with their business goals.

Our team of experienced ERP consultants works closely with our clients to identify their unique business requirements, outlining a multi-phased selection process that includes vendor evaluation and selection criteria. We also provide guidance on the Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Quote (RFQ) process, assisting our clients in developing and reviewing RFP documents to ensure they accurately reflect their business needs.

Our ERP experts leverage their deep knowledge of the ERP market to identify potential vendors that are the best fit for our clients, evaluating them against pre-defined criteria that align with their business goals. We work collaboratively with our clients to review and evaluate vendor responses to the RFP, facilitating vendor presentations and demonstrations as needed.

Once a vendor has been selected, our consultants provide guidance and support throughout the contract negotiation process, ensuring that our clients receive favorable terms and conditions that align with their business goals. We work to address any concerns or issues that arise during the negotiation process, acting as a trusted advisor to our clients.

Our approach is focused on collaboration, transparency, and client empowerment. Our team of ERP advisors work closely with our clients to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of the vendor selection and agreement negotiation process, providing guidance and support every step of the way.

In summary, our ERP vendor selection and agreement negotiation service is designed to help our clients make informed decisions and negotiate favorable agreements that align with their business goals. Our experienced ERP consultants leverage their deep knowledge of the ERP market to provide guidance and support throughout the vendor selection and contract negotiation process, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible outcome.

ERP Consulting, Implementation, & Optimization

At Nestell & Associates, we understand that ERP implementation and optimization can be a complex and challenging process. That’s why we offer comprehensive ERP implementation consulting services, including solution design, training, configuration, testing, and piloting, to help our clients achieve successful project completion.

Our experienced ERP consultants work closely with our clients to understand their unique business requirements, designing customized implementation plans that align with their specific needs. We help our clients configure their ERP systems to optimize their business processes and provide guidance on best practices to ensure that they are getting the most out of their system.

We also offer comprehensive training programs to help our clients effectively onboard their employees to the new system. Our team of ERP implementation consulting and learning and development experts work closely with our clients to design and deliver customized training programs that are tailored to their specific needs, ensuring that their employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively use the new system. Nestell & Associates utilizes and applies sound performance research. We provide a methodical approach to appraising stakeholder performance goals and identifying gaps, allowing the examination of each of the assumed stakeholder knowledge, motivation, and organizational influences and their impact on organizational and individual performance.

We understand that testing and piloting are critical components of a successful ERP implementation. Our consultants work collaboratively with our clients to design and execute comprehensive testing plans that thoroughly evaluate the system’s functionality and identify any issues or areas for improvement. We also provide guidance and support throughout the piloting process, ensuring that our clients have the confidence to roll out the new system across their organization.

Our approach is focused on collaboration, transparency, and client empowerment. Our ERP implementation consultants work closely with our clients to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of the implementation process, providing guidance and support every step of the way.

In summary, our ERP implementation services, consulting, training, configuration, testing, and piloting services are designed to help our clients achieve successful project completion. Our experienced consultants leverage their deep knowledge of ERP implementation best practices to provide guidance and support throughout the implementation process, ensuring that our clients get the most out of their new system.

Ongoing ERP Support and Helpdesk

At Nestell & Associates, we understand that transitioning to a new ERP system can be a challenging process. That’s why we offer ongoing ERP support and helpdesk services to our clients, ensuring that their business staff and technologies are smoothly adjusted to new processes.

Our experienced ERP consultants work closely with our clients to provide ongoing support throughout the transition process. We provide guidance and assistance on a range of issues, including system configuration, user training, and change management, ensuring that our clients have the resources and expertise they need to successfully navigate the transition.

Our established ERP helpdesk is available to support our clients’ daily activities, providing expert resources for ERP staff augmentation and addressing any issues or challenges that arise. Our team of experts is available around the clock to provide prompt and efficient assistance, ensuring that our clients can focus on their core business activities without any disruptions.

We take a proactive approach to ongoing ERP support, regularly reviewing and optimizing our clients’ systems to ensure that they are operating efficiently and effectively. Our team of experts is always available to provide guidance and support, helping our clients to stay ahead of any potential issues and ensure the ongoing success of their ERP system.

In summary, our ongoing ERP support and helpdesk services are designed to provide our clients with the resources and expertise they need to successfully navigate the transition process and ensure the ongoing success of their ERP system. Our experienced consultants and established helpdesk provide prompt and efficient assistance, ensuring that our clients can focus on their core business activities without any disruptions.

ERP Rescue

At Nestell & Associates, we understand that sometimes ERP projects can experience unexpected challenges or difficulties. In these situations, our ERP implementation consultant rescue services are designed to help our clients get their projects back on track and ensure successful project completion.

Our experienced ERP implementation consultants work closely with clients to identify areas where the project is struggling and provide recommendations for improving project management. We conduct a thorough review of the project plan and identify any areas where adjustments or changes may be necessary to ensure that the project is successful and achieves its desired outcomes.

We work with our clients to develop customized solutions tailored to their unique needs and requirements. Our team of experts provides guidance and support throughout the project rescue process, helping our clients to identify and address any issues or challenges that arise.

We understand the importance of effective project management and communication, and our ERP rescue services are designed to ensure that our clients have the resources and expertise they need to successfully navigate even the most challenging ERP projects.

In summary, our ERP rescue services are designed to help our clients get their projects back on track and ensure successful project completion. Our experienced ERP implementation consultants provide recommendations for improving project management and work closely with clients to develop customized solutions tailored to their unique needs and requirements. We are committed to providing our clients with the resources and expertise they need to successfully navigate even the most challenging ERP projects.

Our Differentiators

What Makes Us Different?

Our holistic people, process, and technology approach sets us apart, ensuring seamless IT and ERP assimilation for your business success.

Our private equity exclusivity means we deeply understand your unique challenges and tailor our solutions for maximum impact and growth.

Embrace vendor neutrality with us, providing unbiased advice and recommendations, ensuring your ERP solution is truly the best fit.

Benefit from our focus on organizational culture and change management, minimizing workforce disruption and enhancing overall adoption.

Trust in our research-focused, academic approach, delivering sound, objective assessments and due diligence, free from vendor influence.


What People are Saying About N&A

I have spent 30 years of my career often engaged as an interim C level manager. Several of these assignments included ERP installations, for a variety of reasons.  I met Jack while serving as interim CEO  at a company that was carved out of a large public entity by a PE.  Jack immediately impressed me with his organizational skills in planning the installation. Then, his technical know- how was augmented with his ability to communicate both up and down the organization, he dealt with resistance intellectually rather than emotionally, constantly adjusted the schedule to account for surprises while maintaining the schedule, and did all this with integrity and transparency.  The most successful ERP installation I have ever witnessed.

Don Martin
Principal D. R. Martin & Associates

I had the pleasure of working with Jack Nestell over a full ERP implementation as part of a corporate divestiture.  Jack’s hands-on approach truly benefited the company, as his recommendations and our strategy were driven by a bottoms-up understanding of the business.  In addition to leading the entire process, Jack worked with key functional leaders throughout the business to ensure that all business needs were contemplated.  I would welcome an opportunity to work with Jack again in the future.

Joe Choorapuzha
Incline Equity Partners, Partner

I have had the pleasure of working with Jack Nestell over the past few years on a significant ERP project. I first met Jack during his ERP evaluation phase and I found him to be one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the ERP space that I have come across in my career. He was clear in what he wanted and more clear in how he wanted to manage the implementation of the solution. Jack employed a methodology during the implementation that led to successful outcome and a realization of the benefits promised at the outset. His professional style of leadership was effective as he oversaw resources from his team, the business users and the various vendors. Always firm and consistent in his direction along with the appropriate amount of flexibility to deal with the day to day issues that you encounter in any sizable project. Jack is a true ERP professional with the real life success to back up his credentials. A rare breed.

Paul F. Magel
President - Applications and Technology Outsourcing - COMPUTER GENERATED SOLUTIONS INC.

My entire development, implementation and support teams have worked with Jack on some difficult and challenging projects over the past several years. As President of FACTIVITY, it is my personal observation that Jack’s discipline, experience, and value-added approach offers an insight and perspective that even experienced professionals can learn from.

John Leibert
President/CEO - Factivity, Inc.

I have had the pleasure of working on one of my most memorable and successful 5 Month Rapid implementation projects led by Jack. It was an amazing experience to see how his positive energy and ‘gung ho’ approach literally charged each one of us on the implementation team daily.  Besides his dedication to work and positive attitude, he has exceptional motivational and team building skills. There is a lot to learn from Jack!

Upendra Kulkarni
President MMBC Consulting, Inc.

I have been working with Jack for the past couple of years and have had the privilege of providing him with some great resources when needed. I have seen firsthand how well Jack manages and executes large, complex and time sensitive ERP initiatives. Jack’s success comes from not only his passion, energy and insightfulness but also how he puts as much emphasis on the human element and creating the right culture as he does with making sure he has the right technical skillset on each and every project.

Chris Borsini
Oxford International

Jack has a boundless desire to see organizations succeed. It is important for leaders to learn about their organizations and utilize applied research to address the challenges they face for sustainable improvement; this skill and approach sets Jack apart. His passion coupled with knowledge towards his field of digital transformation is quite admirable.

Dr. Eric A. Canny
University of Southern California

Complacency is the enemy of change. When companies are at the crossroads of a significant change such as a new ERP system, complacency becomes a primary obstacle. Jack has an immense ability to break down that obstacle to progress the project while aligning stakeholders. His extensive background in IT provides him the ability to be process focused while conveying his message from a pragmatic approach. Being a senior leader of SML, I was fortunate to experience Jack’s methodical approach. His ability to connect with non-IT centric leaders and provide a thorough understanding of the objectives, approach, obstacles and solutions, helps lead a successful roll out. Anyone that has worked with Jack would quickly attest to his passion, determination and assurance.

Gary Moskovciak
Senior Vice President - Americas SML USA

Jack was able to gather and effectively communicate information in an organized labor environment. He  was able to dissect our systems, correct, and distribute information in a more effective manner, much like a surgeon.

J. R. Bray Jr.
United Steelworkers, Unit President

I have had the pleasure of working with Jack on some very cutting edge enterprise technology projects.  I have found his team building / collaborative / pragmatic approach to leading these projects to be quite unique and invaluable in helping the team obtain its objectives.  All of these challenging projects had multiple stakeholders and Jack’s ability to conduct the “orchestra” is quite impressive. I hope to work with Jack on projects in the future.

Dean Frew
CTO/SVP RFID Solutions SML Group

Nestell & Associates are very knowledgeable and a true thought leader in the ERP space.

Ralph Berry III
Director at CBIZ MHM, LLC

In the private equity world, success depends on having trusted partners whose expertise and commitment to client service is unquestionable. For the last 10 years, Jack has been our go-to partner for all of our enterprise-level technology needs.  He has mentored, advised, and worked with a number of our portfolio companies at a variety of levels – from establishing employee technology support/Help Desk services to leading full-scale ERP integration and implementations.  Jack is a core member of our investment diligence and management network and a trusted partner in making sure technology is an enabler of business transformation and innovation within all of our organizations.

Nathan Richey
Managing Partner, Bestige Holdings

Lucidity had the pleasure of working with Jack on a mission critical, 5-month ERP transformation that was very successful. From the onset, Jack took an “out of the box” approach that allowed him and team to navigate many of the normal constraints on such an aggressive timeline for this transformation. What was accomplished with Jack under his leadership was remarkable and industry-leading, and his ability to do “more with less” was an illustration for us all to learn from. Lucidity teamed with Jack to help him deliver on time, within budget, and meet the boldest expectations for his business – no production downtime, no lost sales revenue, no orders unfulfilled, no negative change in customer relationships, no changes in shipping expectations, and many more. Jack is an authentic, thoughtful CIO with a passion for doing things different for his business and his track record proves that…with this project just being another illustration of his capabilities and skills. We were excited to be his business partner and look forward to working with him for many years to come.

Clint Brice
Chief Executive Officer - Lucidity Consulting Group

Leading large-scale organizational transformation has been at the center of my entire career. Like any leadership role it can be a lonely business. Imagine my surprise and delight to find someone with Jack’s knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm who truly gets it to work alongside! Jack is a consummate professional and in the time I have known him I have already learned that he delivers results for all things ERP related. There is no substitute for the kind of expertise that Jack brings to bear in the successful and lean implementation of ERP systems.

Ron West, Corporate Transformation
Author of “Corporate Caterpillars”

I have had the pleasure of working with Jack Nestell over the past few years on a significant ERP project.  I first met Jack during his ERP evaluation phase and I found him to be one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the ERP space that I have come across in my career.  He was clear in what he wanted and more clear in how he wanted to manage the implementation of the solution.  Jack employed a methodology during the implementation that led to  successful outcome and a realization of the benefits promised at the outset.  His professional style of leadership was effective as he oversaw resources from his team, the business users and the various vendors.  Always firm and consistent in his direction along with the appropriate amount of flexibility to deal with the day to day issues that you encounter in any sizable project.  Jack is a true ERP professional with the real life success to back up his credentials.  A rare breed.

Paul F. Magel

Jack is deeply committed to maximizing the effectiveness of ERP systems and strategies. Having the opportunity to teach Jack, I’ve seen firsthand how he couples his own expertise and depth of ERP experience with research-based principles related to effective organizational change. Not only is he dedicated to the success of his own work, but he has a genuine passion to transform the field by sharing best practices broadly with clients, colleagues, and other practitioners.

Dr. Courtney L. Malloy
Malloy Research Consulting

Lean and ERP, can they co-exist? Should they co-exist? Jack has the experience and background to answer these questions and to tie these 2 powerful philosophies and tools together toachieve efficient results and to only do what matters. As an IT professional, his personal interest in understanding Lean concepts and the application of those concepts make him a great systems implementation partner.

Doug Blanchard
Managing Director - The ProAction Group

Anyone looking for a lot of great info about ERP, follow Nestell & Associates. I have worked with Jack for an extended amount of time during an implementation of our ERP and he is incredibly full of knowledge and experience.

Cody Wedig
ERP Project Manager

To get results, people have to understand, and they need to buy in…. Jack avoids the typical overflow of consulting jargon and instead moves directly to readily absorbable concepts that work.

Doug Schrock
Partner in charge, Consulting Advisory Services, Crowe Horwath

First off, I sincerely enjoy our working with Jack. His work is honest and quality work. He understands the key issues for success in implementations and stays focused on them through to completion. He has a very good knowledge of business processes and how computers and information technology in general can be applied in an effective manner.

John Leibert
President/CEO Factivity, Inc.

I’ve had the pleasure of working daily with Jack over nearly two years on implementing, improving, and maintaining our company’s ERP system, business intelligence, and reporting.  He’s been a great mentor and leader, and has been the undeniable key to the success of the ERP system’s implementation.   I know Jack to be a great communicator and organizer, who is highly knowledgeable and insightful in ERP and many other areas of IT.  He is very practical in his approach, emphasizing the importance of aligning company culture and business processes with the ERP system (and vice versa, when appropriate).  Besides that, Jack is just a great person to work with in general, who is trustworthy, open to ideas, and a highly positive influence on the organization.

Steve Staudenmayer
BI/ERP Analyst

I have known Jack for several years. I appreciate his passion for his work and his research and his enthusiasm to share that passion with academic colleagues and practitioners. Jack places great value on understanding, sharing, and applying sound proven research ideas to his field. This truly is a differentiator.

Kevin Brever
Principal (Retired) St. Paul Elementary School Louisville, KY

Jack has been a panelist for us and has provided input on our research. I am looking forward to seeing the results of his book

Amanda Robinson
Manage CIO Advisory at Info-Tech Research Group

“I met Jack in January 2013 while he was managing an-going ERP implementation at his current manufacturing concern. He clearly indicated the urgency facing his concern and the need to “turn on” the solution in January 2013. Although there were a number of shortcomings that required immediate attention, Jack established a team of resources and a plan to correct the shortcomings and bring to pass a first class solution for the company.

Impressive was Jack’s attention to details and his concern on the impact that it would have on the human element. Training, assignment and ownership of business processes, changes to the roles from past to future was of utmost importance to him.

His ability to work through these elements and establish a sense of confidence that individuals can move forward and the “change” would be beneficial to all was amazing.

Justo Beauchamp
President - JBM2 Consulting

Jack has put together a transcript that we can all learn from in the industry. What he did during the ERP transformation captured the essence of what everyone tries to achieve, but so few rarely do. Through his leadership and passion, the industry can see an illustration of a different way to approach these types of transformations and the ability to do “more with less” while still being wildly successful. Jack has unique capabilities and skills, and we are excited he has decided to share his story with the market.

Clint Brice
Chief Executive Officer - Lucidity Consulting Group

In my experience, getting people to understand and embrace the change is generally the most significant challenge of major undertakings. I’ve consistently seen Jack move large teams with his up-front, no nonsense approaches that brings confidence that the initiative is actually going to work.

Doug Schrock
Partner in charge, Consulting Advisory Services, Crowe Horwath

Nestell & Associates provides quality service and exceptional knowledge.

Joseph Mallak
Private Equity Chairman of the Board, Operating Partner, President, and CEO


What People are Saying about N&A


What People are Saying About N&A

Jack has been a panelist for us and has provided input on our research. I am looking forward to seeing the results of his book

Amanda Robinson
Manage CIO Advisory at Info-Tech Research Group

I had the pleasure of working with Jack Nestell over a full ERP implementation as part of a corporate divestiture.  Jack’s hands-on approach truly benefited the company, as his recommendations and our strategy were driven by a bottoms-up understanding of the business.  In addition to leading the entire process, Jack worked with key functional leaders throughout the business to ensure that all business needs were contemplated.  I would welcome an opportunity to work with Jack again in the future.

Joe Choorapuzha
Incline Equity Partners, Partner

I have had the pleasure of working on one of my most memorable and successful 5 Month Rapid implementation projects led by Jack. It was an amazing experience to see how his positive energy and ‘gung ho’ approach literally charged each one of us on the implementation team daily.  Besides his dedication to work and positive attitude, he has exceptional motivational and team building skills. There is a lot to learn from Jack!

Upendra Kulkarni
President MMBC Consulting, Inc.

First off, I sincerely enjoy our working with Jack. His work is honest and quality work. He understands the key issues for success in implementations and stays focused on them through to completion. He has a very good knowledge of business processes and how computers and information technology in general can be applied in an effective manner.

John Leibert
President/CEO Factivity, Inc.

Jack has a boundless desire to see organizations succeed. It is important for leaders to learn about their organizations and utilize applied research to address the challenges they face for sustainable improvement; this skill and approach sets Jack apart. His passion coupled with knowledge towards his field of digital transformation is quite admirable.

Dr. Eric A. Canny
University of Southern California

In my experience, getting people to understand and embrace the change is generally the most significant challenge of major undertakings. I’ve consistently seen Jack move large teams with his up-front, no nonsense approaches that brings confidence that the initiative is actually going to work.

Doug Schrock
Partner in charge, Consulting Advisory Services, Crowe Horwath

Nestell & Associates are very knowledgeable and a true thought leader in the ERP space.

Ralph Berry III
Director at CBIZ MHM, LLC

Lucidity had the pleasure of working with Jack on a mission critical, 5-month ERP transformation that was very successful. From the onset, Jack took an “out of the box” approach that allowed him and team to navigate many of the normal constraints on such an aggressive timeline for this transformation. What was accomplished with Jack under his leadership was remarkable and industry-leading, and his ability to do “more with less” was an illustration for us all to learn from. Lucidity teamed with Jack to help him deliver on time, within budget, and meet the boldest expectations for his business – no production downtime, no lost sales revenue, no orders unfulfilled, no negative change in customer relationships, no changes in shipping expectations, and many more. Jack is an authentic, thoughtful CIO with a passion for doing things different for his business and his track record proves that…with this project just being another illustration of his capabilities and skills. We were excited to be his business partner and look forward to working with him for many years to come.

Clint Brice
Chief Executive Officer - Lucidity Consulting Group

Jack is deeply committed to maximizing the effectiveness of ERP systems and strategies. Having the opportunity to teach Jack, I’ve seen firsthand how he couples his own expertise and depth of ERP experience with research-based principles related to effective organizational change. Not only is he dedicated to the success of his own work, but he has a genuine passion to transform the field by sharing best practices broadly with clients, colleagues, and other practitioners.

Dr. Courtney L. Malloy
Malloy Research Consulting

I have had the pleasure of working with Jack Nestell over the past few years on a significant ERP project. I first met Jack during his ERP evaluation phase and I found him to be one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the ERP space that I have come across in my career. He was clear in what he wanted and more clear in how he wanted to manage the implementation of the solution. Jack employed a methodology during the implementation that led to successful outcome and a realization of the benefits promised at the outset. His professional style of leadership was effective as he oversaw resources from his team, the business users and the various vendors. Always firm and consistent in his direction along with the appropriate amount of flexibility to deal with the day to day issues that you encounter in any sizable project. Jack is a true ERP professional with the real life success to back up his credentials. A rare breed.

Paul F. Magel
President - Applications and Technology Outsourcing - COMPUTER GENERATED SOLUTIONS INC.

I have spent 30 years of my career often engaged as an interim C level manager. Several of these assignments included ERP installations, for a variety of reasons.  I met Jack while serving as interim CEO  at a company that was carved out of a large public entity by a PE.  Jack immediately impressed me with his organizational skills in planning the installation. Then, his technical know- how was augmented with his ability to communicate both up and down the organization, he dealt with resistance intellectually rather than emotionally, constantly adjusted the schedule to account for surprises while maintaining the schedule, and did all this with integrity and transparency.  The most successful ERP installation I have ever witnessed.

Don Martin
Principal D. R. Martin & Associates

In the private equity world, success depends on having trusted partners whose expertise and commitment to client service is unquestionable. For the last 10 years, Jack has been our go-to partner for all of our enterprise-level technology needs.  He has mentored, advised, and worked with a number of our portfolio companies at a variety of levels – from establishing employee technology support/Help Desk services to leading full-scale ERP integration and implementations.  Jack is a core member of our investment diligence and management network and a trusted partner in making sure technology is an enabler of business transformation and innovation within all of our organizations.

Nathan Richey
Managing Partner, Bestige Holdings

Lean and ERP, can they co-exist? Should they co-exist? Jack has the experience and background to answer these questions and to tie these 2 powerful philosophies and tools together toachieve efficient results and to only do what matters. As an IT professional, his personal interest in understanding Lean concepts and the application of those concepts make him a great systems implementation partner.

Doug Blanchard
Managing Director - The ProAction Group

To get results, people have to understand, and they need to buy in…. Jack avoids the typical overflow of consulting jargon and instead moves directly to readily absorbable concepts that work.

Doug Schrock
Partner in charge, Consulting Advisory Services, Crowe Horwath

I have known Jack for several years. I appreciate his passion for his work and his research and his enthusiasm to share that passion with academic colleagues and practitioners. Jack places great value on understanding, sharing, and applying sound proven research ideas to his field. This truly is a differentiator.

Kevin Brever
Principal (Retired) St. Paul Elementary School Louisville, KY

I have had the pleasure of working with Jack Nestell over the past few years on a significant ERP project.  I first met Jack during his ERP evaluation phase and I found him to be one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the ERP space that I have come across in my career.  He was clear in what he wanted and more clear in how he wanted to manage the implementation of the solution.  Jack employed a methodology during the implementation that led to  successful outcome and a realization of the benefits promised at the outset.  His professional style of leadership was effective as he oversaw resources from his team, the business users and the various vendors.  Always firm and consistent in his direction along with the appropriate amount of flexibility to deal with the day to day issues that you encounter in any sizable project.  Jack is a true ERP professional with the real life success to back up his credentials.  A rare breed.

Paul F. Magel

Jack has put together a transcript that we can all learn from in the industry. What he did during the ERP transformation captured the essence of what everyone tries to achieve, but so few rarely do. Through his leadership and passion, the industry can see an illustration of a different way to approach these types of transformations and the ability to do “more with less” while still being wildly successful. Jack has unique capabilities and skills, and we are excited he has decided to share his story with the market.

Clint Brice
Chief Executive Officer - Lucidity Consulting Group

Leading large-scale organizational transformation has been at the center of my entire career. Like any leadership role it can be a lonely business. Imagine my surprise and delight to find someone with Jack’s knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm who truly gets it to work alongside! Jack is a consummate professional and in the time I have known him I have already learned that he delivers results for all things ERP related. There is no substitute for the kind of expertise that Jack brings to bear in the successful and lean implementation of ERP systems.

Ron West, Corporate Transformation
Author of “Corporate Caterpillars”

I have had the pleasure of working with Jack on some very cutting edge enterprise technology projects.  I have found his team building / collaborative / pragmatic approach to leading these projects to be quite unique and invaluable in helping the team obtain its objectives.  All of these challenging projects had multiple stakeholders and Jack’s ability to conduct the “orchestra” is quite impressive. I hope to work with Jack on projects in the future.

Dean Frew
CTO/SVP RFID Solutions SML Group

Complacency is the enemy of change. When companies are at the crossroads of a significant change such as a new ERP system, complacency becomes a primary obstacle. Jack has an immense ability to break down that obstacle to progress the project while aligning stakeholders. His extensive background in IT provides him the ability to be process focused while conveying his message from a pragmatic approach. Being a senior leader of SML, I was fortunate to experience Jack’s methodical approach. His ability to connect with non-IT centric leaders and provide a thorough understanding of the objectives, approach, obstacles and solutions, helps lead a successful roll out. Anyone that has worked with Jack would quickly attest to his passion, determination and assurance.

Gary Moskovciak
Senior Vice President - Americas SML USA

I have been working with Jack for the past couple of years and have had the privilege of providing him with some great resources when needed. I have seen firsthand how well Jack manages and executes large, complex and time sensitive ERP initiatives. Jack’s success comes from not only his passion, energy and insightfulness but also how he puts as much emphasis on the human element and creating the right culture as he does with making sure he has the right technical skillset on each and every project.

Chris Borsini
Oxford International

Anyone looking for a lot of great info about ERP, follow Nestell & Associates. I have worked with Jack for an extended amount of time during an implementation of our ERP and he is incredibly full of knowledge and experience.

Cody Wedig
ERP Project Manager

Jack was able to gather and effectively communicate information in an organized labor environment. He  was able to dissect our systems, correct, and distribute information in a more effective manner, much like a surgeon.

J. R. Bray Jr.
United Steelworkers, Unit President

I’ve had the pleasure of working daily with Jack over nearly two years on implementing, improving, and maintaining our company’s ERP system, business intelligence, and reporting.  He’s been a great mentor and leader, and has been the undeniable key to the success of the ERP system’s implementation.   I know Jack to be a great communicator and organizer, who is highly knowledgeable and insightful in ERP and many other areas of IT.  He is very practical in his approach, emphasizing the importance of aligning company culture and business processes with the ERP system (and vice versa, when appropriate).  Besides that, Jack is just a great person to work with in general, who is trustworthy, open to ideas, and a highly positive influence on the organization.

Steve Staudenmayer
BI/ERP Analyst

“I met Jack in January 2013 while he was managing an-going ERP implementation at his current manufacturing concern. He clearly indicated the urgency facing his concern and the need to “turn on” the solution in January 2013. Although there were a number of shortcomings that required immediate attention, Jack established a team of resources and a plan to correct the shortcomings and bring to pass a first class solution for the company.

Impressive was Jack’s attention to details and his concern on the impact that it would have on the human element. Training, assignment and ownership of business processes, changes to the roles from past to future was of utmost importance to him.

His ability to work through these elements and establish a sense of confidence that individuals can move forward and the “change” would be beneficial to all was amazing.

Justo Beauchamp
President - JBM2 Consulting

My entire development, implementation and support teams have worked with Jack on some difficult and challenging projects over the past several years. As President of FACTIVITY, it is my personal observation that Jack’s discipline, experience, and value-added approach offers an insight and perspective that even experienced professionals can learn from.

John Leibert
President/CEO - Factivity, Inc.

Nestell & Associates provides quality service and exceptional knowledge.

Joseph Mallak
Private Equity Chairman of the Board, Operating Partner, President, and CEO


Case Study

Why an ERP Would Provide Value and ROI Versus Your Current System


The case study involves a 90-year-old manufacturing company that had been acquired multiple times, resulting in nine disparate business systems and 18 custom interfaces. Due to the lack of integration, the company faced challenges in tracking raw material pass-through and margins, which affected their profitability. They had no way of reconciling operational and financial data, and it took too long to react to potential inefficiencies. The company needed an efficient and integrated solution that allowed immediate visibility of what was happening on the production floor.


To determine if implementing an ERP system would provide a return on investment and improve their current system, the company performed a cost-benefit analysis. They found that the ERP system would provide improved real-time Business Intelligence and a return on investment. The ERP system allowed the organization to build dashboards that showed sales and margins in near real-time.


The implementation of an ERP system provided the company with a near-zero administration solution, decreased hardware and software requirements, and improved Business Intelligence. The ERP system allowed the organization to build dashboards in which sales and margins were near real-time. The company could understand and track their margins, which improved their bottom line. The return on investment of improved real-time Business Intelligence was achieved in a relatively short time frame. Given the integrated nature of an ERP system and its modules and end-to-end accountability and visibility of data, gathering this type of business intelligence in an accurate and timely manner is much more feasible.


Frequently Asked ?s

What is ERP due diligence, and why is it important for private equity firms?

ERP due diligence is an assessment of the current state of ERP and business systems to identify potential risks or issues for Private Equity firms pre- or post-acquisition. Additionally, ERP due diligence provides insight and a roadmap for improvement opportunities. Nestell & Associates are trusted ERP implementation consultants that can ensure your success. 

What is your approach to ERP organizational change leadership and management, and how do you ensure successful project completion?

Our approach to ERP organizational change leadership and management is detailed, customized, and focused on achieving successful project completion. We have several tactical leadership and management tools that we utilize to ensure effective alignment, communication, motivation, and knowledge required for a successful ERP assimilation. Nestell & Associates ERP implementation consultants are experienced professionals that understand what it takes to be successful. 

What is included in your business operations analysis, and how does it help clients successfully implement ERP and other business systems?

Our business operations analysis guides clients with a detailed understanding of their business process, goals, and challenges to successfully implement or optimize ERP and other business systems. Our ERP experts utilize a variety of value stream mapping exercises and business system process analysis tools. 

What is your approach to ERP implementation, training, configuration, testing, and piloting, and how do you ensure successful project completion?

Our approach to ERP implementation includes customized training programs, effective testing, and piloting to ensure successful project completion. Our experienced consultants work closely with our clients to understand their unique business requirements, designing customized implementation plans that align with their specific needs. We help our clients configure their ERP systems to optimize their business processes and provide guidance on best practices to ensure that they are getting the most out of their system.

What is your approach to rescuing ERP projects that have failed, and how do you ensure successful project completion?

Our team of ERP implementation consultants provide recommendations for improving tactical project management to ensure successful ERP project completion. Nestell & Associates accesses the organizations business model fit against the feature/functions of the ERP solution. Additionally, it is required to understand the current ERP implementation status, goals, and objectives. We assess key areas such as formal training and conference room piloting, identifying real gaps between business model and ERP functionality, being honest and realistic that this effort will take some time for the best practice and “continuous improvement” efforts and disciplines to realize the benefits, and assess to ensure that overwhelming leadership support, communication, and buy-in is a fundamental concept build into the ERP assimilation plan.


How do you help private equity firms objectively manage the success of their ERP organizational change efforts?

Nestell & Associates ERP experts help private equity firms objectively manage the success of their ERP organizational change efforts by developing and reviewing project plans to achieve desired outcomes. From the onset we incorporate workshops in which to discuss and align on key performance indicators and the definition of success. Although it can be challenging to define and agree on ERP success (end-user perception of success may be subjective), the ERP organizational change plan needs to allow for a formal process for defining and documenting success. The organization then needs formal and sufficient mechanisms in which to measure and discuss success. Our ERP implementation consultants help navigate these conversations. An organizational definition of ERP organizational change success matters. 

How do your ERP services help private equity firms address cost and resource constraints when implementing ERP systems?

Our ERP services offer cost-effective solutions for implementing and managing ERP systems for private equity firms. We do this with a proven methodologies that focus on the specific needs of our clients. Nestell & Associates ERP implementation plans consider key success factors, deploy effective learning and development, and carefully consider tactical project management. Additionally, our team of ERP implementation consultants have years of experience and success under their belts. 

How do your consultants help organizations assess their readiness for change and overcome cultural or organizational barriers that may impact the success of their ERP projects?

Our consultants help organizations assess their readiness for change and provide tailored solutions to overcome cultural or organizational barriers that may impact ERP project success. Our team consists of leadership and organizational culture practitioners with years of experience guiding ERP organizational change. Nestell & Associates utilizes proven tools in which to gauge the organizational culture and ERP organizational change readiness status.

How do you help clients select the most suitable ERP vendor and negotiate agreements that align with their business goals?

Our team of ERP implementation consultants work closely with clients to identify the most suitable ERP vendor and negotiate agreements that align with their business goals. We provide objective and vendor-neutral selection services. ERP selection is a significant strategic business decision. ERP selection includes selecting the right technology supporting the right processes with an ERP partner that is most aligned with the organizational mission, vision, values, and goals. Given the many selection influences that can ultimately directly impact ROI, EBITDA, and the effectiveness and efficiency of the ERP organizational change process, knowledgeable and objective ERP selection matters. 

Can you describe your ongoing ERP support and helpdesk services, and how do they help clients during the transition process?

Our ongoing ERP support and helpdesk services provide clients with expert resources to support daily activities during the transition process. Our ERP support plans are customized to the specific needs of our clients. Nestell & Associates offers an ERP Helpdesk with expertise you need, when you need it!  Our team of ERP consultants are here for you.  

How does your vendor-neutral approach to ERP services benefit private equity firms?

Our vendor-neutral approach to ERP services ensures that clients receive the best ERP solutions for their unique needs. Who could argue that ERP selection needs to be well informed, truthful, and insightful process that informs a decision that is made without bias and without partiality?  If ERP transactions essentially represent dollars (which for the most part, they do), this is a pretty important notion. Why should PE firms care about objective ERP selection? Because ERP transactions are dollars. ERP transactions represent organizational time, money, and effort. And ultimately, they represent and drive your GL, Balance Sheet, and P&L. There are significant demands (especially for PE M&A activity) for assembling the right people, processes, and systems in an effort to improve business operations, improve EBITDA, improve sales, improve profits, and/or increase market share. These are all critical to the health of any organization. ERP systems in a way act as an organization’s internal bank, financial advisor, accountant, and auditor: they manage and direct your money by providing a tool in which to manage and direct your business and operational transactions.

There is one best ERP solution for each and every unique organization. And, the organization needs to take the time and effort to find that “one best fit” without making assumptions. In fact, research suggests that ERP systems selection, implementation methodology, and partner selection is critical for a successful ERP organizational change project. ERP solutions and vendors all have unique tangible and intangible benefits, advantages, disadvantages, and costs. Some of them have truly unique differentiators, some don’t, and some say they do. Our ERP implementation consultants guide organizations into getting to the bottom of it.

Contact Us

Ready to elevate your organization’s IT and ERP strategy? Reach out to us for a comprehensive analysis and tailored solutions. Fill out the form below with your details, and our team will get in touch to discuss how we can partner in your journey towards operational excellence and investment success.

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