The ERP Organizational Change Journal

In this episode, we focus on the importance of courageous organizational communication for creating high-performance workplaces.

Our guest, a communication professor and coach, discusses his communication-based model of courage that centers around four themes: collaborative, upward, transparent, and engaging. We delve into the benefits of courageous ERP Organizational Communication Strategies for employees, leaders, and organizations, as well as strategies for creating a culture of open and honest communication. We also discuss common communication barriers in the workplace and how to overcome them, including the role of technology in communication. Our goal is to provide valuable insights and practical tips for private equity firms, their portfolio companies, and all stakeholders involved in ERP organizational change.


Alex Lyon, PhD

Alex Lyon, PhD

Professor, Communication Coach, Author, & 500k Subscriber YouTube Creator.

Alex Lyon is an Associate Professor and Chairperson in the Department of Communication at the College at Brockport, State University of New York. His area of study is Organizational Communication with an emphasis on leadership, power, and ethics. In 2016, he wrote Case Studies in Courageous Communication (Peter Lang Publishing). He has published original research in numerous peer-reviewed academic journals like Communication Monographs, Management Communication Quarterly, Journal of Applied Communication Research, and others. He earned his PhD in Communication from the University of Colorado, Boulder.


Host & Founding Partner of Nestell & Associates

Dr. Jack G. Nestell

Dr. Jack G. Nestell

Founding Partner | Nestell & Associates

Dr. Jack G. Nestell is a highly accomplished IT and ERP business advisor, author, and speaker with over 30 years of experience in leadership and implementation of ERP systems across various industries. He is the founding partner of Nestell & Associates, a management and strategy firm that specializes in organizational change, readiness, and ERP implementation. Dr. Nestell is also an accomplished academic researcher who has contributed to ERP research. With his practical expertise and academic knowledge, he provides innovative and proven solutions for his clients.

Episode References

Waldvogel, J. (2002). Some features of workplace emails. New Zealand English Journal, 16, 42-52.

Mirivel, J.C, Lyon, A, “Positive Communication for Leaders: Proven Strategies for Inspiring Unity and Effecting Change”,

Episode Highlights Timeline 

We touch on some ideas in Alex’s first book “Courageous Organizational Communication Case Studies”.

[04:36]  Segment 1: The Importance of Courageous Communication

Can you tell us more about your communication-based model of courage?

How can leaders encourage and model courageous communication in their teams?

[08:31]  Segment 2: Creating a Culture of Courageous Communication

In your experience, what are some of the biggest challenges and barriers organizations face in promoting open and honest communication?

[10:21]  Segment 3: Overcoming Communication Barriers

How can individuals approach difficult conversations or conflicts in the workplace with courage and empathy?

[13:28]  Segment 4: Practical, Research-Based Strategies for Positive Leadership

We dive into the new book, just released, “Positive Communication for Leaders: Proven Strategies for Inspiring Unity and Effecting Change”

How can greetings create positive human contact?

Can someone create and invite positive communications in workplace email communications?

What do you mean in Chapter 3 when you write “ask to discover the unknown”?

Why are compliments from Leaders effective leadership behavior?

Why is it important for leaders to create a bond through disclosure?

How can Listening help to transcend differences?

What is the blueprint to Inspire unity and affect change?


Lastly, in terms of ERP organizational change success, what is your golden nugget of advice for our listeners based on today’s conversation?

Ready to Transform Your Workplace?

If you’ve been inspired by our in-depth exploration of courageous ERP Organizational Communication Strategies and its impact on effective workplaces, it’s time to take action. At Nestell & Associates, we specialize in helping organizations like yours navigate the path to positive change.

Why Choose Nestell & Associates?

Expertise: With years of experience and a proven track record, we are leaders in the field of organizational culture and change.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that every organization is unique. Our solutions are customized to meet your specific needs.

Results-Driven: We’re committed to delivering tangible, lasting results that elevate your workplace.

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Episode 49: ERP Organizational Change: Stakeholder Dynamics with guest Samantha Jung-Fielding

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Nestell & Associates is a highly specialized IT and ERP change management consulting firm that serves as a business-savvy, tenured, and highly technical-proficient business partner to private equity firms. We provide expert vendor-neutral IT and ERP services necessary to support their business objectives. Our team of experts excels at organizational change, preparedness, and digital transformation success.

Our approach has been proven to be successful by focusing on key areas such as organizational culture, change, and readiness, we’ve helped our clients achieve their IT and ERP business objectives from improving IT security to managing complex transformational M&A initiatives.

We are passionate about helping our clients succeed and achieving positive outcomes. Our goal is to provide the most efficient, organized, experienced, and productive professionals in the industry to implement processes, resources, and technology that will give our private equity partners a competitive advantage and deliver real return on investment.